Participatory budgeting
Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA)
Participatory Budgeting
Councillors, CEO’s, Executives and Senior Management of Local Governments
Annie Bolitho
Chad Foulkes
- Two face-to-face workshops
- Three practically-focused support sessions to supporting participants to explore or prepare themselves for undertaking participatory budgeting or deliberative process
- Training Lead:
Annie Bolitho:
VLGA sought training on the "Nuts of Bolts of PB" in the context of rate capping, in two face-to-face workshops Councillors, CEO’s, Executives and Senior Management of Local Governments learnt about and explored the ‘nuts and bolts’ of participatory budgeting from whole of Council initiative to place or issue based approaches.
The face-to-face sessions were supplemented by practically-focused, supported learning over three sessions, by Annie Bolitho. In these sessions she supported Councillors, CEO’s and Executives to gain a clear grasp of what it takes to run a deliberative process and worked through the practical and political issues facing participants in their own Council and community.
The training modelled several techniques used by facilitators when delivering deliberative processes. The practical training was complimented by hearing from citizens from two participatory budgeting processes and Desley Renton who oversaw a participatory budgeting exercise at the City of Melbourne.
This training is able to be delivered to your organisation or a group of organisations by contacting us here at Liminal by Design.