As anyone involved in policy knows, writing is the easy part. The challenge of policy development is getting the heads and hearts of those involved committed to the policy direction. Whether the decision makers are the broader community, elected officials, government, a Board or your executive, we work with you to deliver the policy changes you need., while.

Using evidence-based methods, and solid data, our tried and tested processes clarifying the differences between current and desired practices and/or outcomes. We have your decision makers experience what the desired new realities are so that they feel and understand why the intended policy changes are needed. This in turns assists them to make the right decision to benefit your community.

We have worked on policy development within all levels of government, from Local to State and Federal; as well as with Regional Councils. We have experience in policy development with a wide range of social policy areas, public health and community based initiatives.

Working with Liminal by Design will give you insights into best and next practice policy development, as well as the tools you need to communicate and manage change.

Don’t struggle with your next policy development project, contact Liminal by Design today to help make the change stick.

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— Mr Smith - CEO